NALC AFL-CIO Charles N. Coyle
5265 NE 42nd Ave Portland, OR 97218
President David H. Norton

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NALC and Postal Updates
NALC President Fred Rolando recognizes Jim Baxter's "dedication and leadership" to the NALC
June 28, 2021
“Jim was a stalwart of his branch and our union” President Rolando stated. “His dedication and leadership are to be commended. He has mentored many of our brothers and sisters and his impact will continue. On behalf of the NALC, we send our deepest sympathies to his friends, family, and co-workers.”
NALC files national-level grievance regarding Post Office Sortation Equipment Reconciliation
August 17, 2020
Today, pursuant to Article 15, Section 3.F of the National Agreement, NALC initiated a national-level grievance regarding the Postal Service's unilateral implementation of the delivery initiative called Post Office Sortation Equipment Reconciliation (SER).
NALC files national-level grievance regarding USPS delivery initiative
August 7, 2020
Earlier this week, pursuant to Article 15, Section 3.F of the National Agreement, NALC initiated a national-level grievance regarding the Postal Service's unilateral implementation of the delivery initiative test called Expedited Street/Afternoon Sortation (ESAS).
USPS looks to reduce letter carriers’ casing equipment
August 6, 2020
This morning, the Postal Service sent NALC a copy of a stand-up talk for city letter carriers intended to explain the goals of its latest unilateral delivery initiative. It is called Post Office Sortation Equipment Reconciliation (SER).
USPS to Initiate Office Activities Study
August 1, 2020
Beginning next week, pursuant to Article 34 of the National Agreement, the Postal Service will begin conducting a study of city carriers’ office activities. As with several other recent unilateral tests involving city letter carriers, USPS once again has decided to perform this study on its own...
Senate Leadership Unveils New Covid Relief Package, Ignores the Postal Service
July 30, 2020
Two and a half months after the House of Representatives passed the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions, or “HEROES” Act (H.R. 6800), Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell this week finally announced an outline of the Senate GOP’s response.